
FBHVC Meets Minister at Beaulieu

Published: 10/09/2013

10th September 2013. Board members of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, the body that campaigns to preserve the right of its 255,000 members to use their historic vehicles on the highway, met parliamentarians last weekend at the annual International Beaulieu Autojumble.

At a dinner on the eve of the event, hosted by FBHVC President Lord Montagu, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, Stephen Hammond spoke to the group acknowledging the size and significance of the historic vehicle movement. Greg Knight MP, the chair of the All Party Parliamentary Historic Vehicle group also spoke and his deputy, John Cryer MP from the opposition benches took an active and enthusiastic part in the informal discussions that took place throughout the evening.

The hot topic was undoubtedly the ogoing debate surrounding the proposed European Roadworthiness regulation and it was therefore significant that prominent UK MEP, Malcolm Harbour was also present and spoke. Mr Harbour is a former senior motor industry executive and is therefore particularly well acquainted with the issues and along with the other guests received a full briefing from FBHVC Chairman, David Whale and his Board colleagues of the concerns that the organization has regarding the current proposals.

“We had a very full and frank discussion of the issues that concern us and our members,” said David Whale, “We now look to our elected representatives with special interests in the historic vehicle movement to take these concerns forward and ensure that our rights of access to the highway are maintained. A significant element of our heritage and culture is threatened if this European legislation is in any way flawed. We are fortunate that we are able to attract the attention of such a high profile group of parliamentarians. This has been a very significant event in our fight to preserve our members’ right to use their historic vehicles on the roads.”

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