FIVA Sustainability Strategy
FBHVC shares FIVA’s strategic aims of reuse, rework, recycle which the Federation believes already lies at the heart of the historic vehicle movement. It agrees with FIVA’s analysis that the impact of historic vehicles on the environment is negligible based on average annual mileage as confirmed in FBHVC’s class-leading research.
Where that impact on the environment still requires mitigation, the Federation is at the forefront with a carbon balancing strategy in partnership with Tree-V who are now commercial partners as the scheme continues to expand.
The Federation notes that FIVA’s sustainability principles in the use of historic vehicles (HVs) take account of the variation in the treatment of HVs across the globe with some countries imposing restrictions such as use at shows or specialist events in exchange for exemptions from legislation.
The Federation’s aim is to ensure that HVs enjoy the same freedom to operate as modern vehicles, albeit encouraging responsible and appropriate use.
A PDF Version of the full strategy document can be downloaded below (click on the cover).