How to Join

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs was formed in 1988 and is led by a highly skilled team of Directors, all of whom provide their services on a voluntary basis.  Only our secretary and bookkeeper are paid for the work they do.    
The Federation offers four categories of membership being Clubs and Associations, Museums and Collections, Individual Supporter and Trade Supporter and full details follow. 
You can join online here

The Federation represents more than 500 historic vehicle clubs and 250,000 historic vehicle enthusiasts.

Our primary purpose has always been to maintain the freedom of historic vehicle owners to use their vehicles on the roads of the United Kingdom whenever they so wish, and this we have successfully achieved for the past 34 years.

We look after all mechanically-propelled historic vehicles more than 30 years old; cars, motorcycles, buses and coaches, lorries and vans, all types of agricultural machinery, military and steam vehicles.

How do we achieve this?    The Federation has a unique relationship with the All-Party Parliamentary Historic Vehicles Group which ensures cross-party representation in both the House of Commons and House of Lords. Recognising historic vehicles play an increasing role in our national heritage, we maintain a close working relationship with The Heritage Alliance and through them with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

The international historic vehicle movement is co-ordinated by the Fédération International des Véhicules Anciens (FIVA), each geographical territory has one organisation accredited by FIVA and for the UK, the Federation is their Authorised Representative. 

The Federation offers four categories of membership being Clubs and Associations, Museums and Collections, Individual Supporter and Trade Supporter and full details follow:

Clubs and Associations Membership Information

The subscription is priced depending on the number of members declared. For Clubs whose membership is 64 members or more the cost is 47p per member. For Clubs with 63 members or less the subscription is priced at a flat rate of £30.00. These prices are based per annum from 1 June to 31 May and are inclusive of VAT. If joining part way through a year a pro rata payment will be required only for each full calendar month remaining. 

For any questions or to calculate the amount to join please contact the secretary via for an application form. You can join online here

Club & Association Benefits

  • HISTORIC, which is a  full colour quarterly magazine. We welcome Clubs to reproduce material within their own publications. Afterall communication is key and by working together we can ensure historic vehicles remain on our roads well into the future. The only stipulation is the text must be unchanged and that credit is given to the Federation. Occasionally we may produce an item subject to copyright and these will be clearly identified. Any member club can also forward the electronic link to HISTORIC to their members if they wish.
  • Listing on the FBHVC website Member Club Directory. ( This is the location where your Club details are listed for potential members to contact you. Many of our clubs have taken the advantage of providing their logo which adds more of an impact to their listing.
  • Free entrance to Club Expo. Club Expo is historically held at the British Motor Museum in January. It is a chance to meet and share ideas with other clubs and listen to various presentations throughout the day in plenary style. Previous Club Expo presentations have included Insurance Question Time, Future Research Projects, Archiving - Is it for us? What can we do?, DVLA Question Time, Planning for the Future - Preparing Classic Car Clubs for the Next 40 Years, The Birth of Youth Groups & Their Achievements, and PR & Social Media for Vehicle Clubs.
  • Free website listing of all events. Each club is welcome to supply their event details for publication on the FBHVC website.
  • Exclusive insurance scheme for clubs which includes a Specialist Vehicle Scheme, Club Insurance Scheme and Motor Trade Risk & Combined Cover. (
  • Access to expert help and advice
  • The right to use the member logo in your membership publications.
  • The right to attend and vote at general meetings. Historically the FBHVC hold a conference on various topics following our AGM, Previous subjects and guests have included: Preservation - The New Holy Grail, (FIVA), Paint or Patina? That is the Question, (Glasurit), Preservation in Action - a case study, (National Motor Museum), Towards a Values-Based Automotive Heritage Approach, (Katya Sullivan), and TR Register Youth Group (their formation and achievements).
  • Access to the members area of the website – free registration is required. This is available to all members of the club.

You can join online here

Clubs and Associations download: Club & Association membership application form

Museums and Collections Membership Information

Museums and collections are defined as a permanent institution in the service of the historic vehicle community, which is open to the public, and can acquire, conserve, research, communicate and exhibit the tangible and intangible items of heritage for the purposes of education, study and enjoyment.

Any museum or collection complying with the above definition may apply for membership of the FBHVC.  Historic vehicle clubs and/or associations making such application must meet the fundamental requirement of already being a Federation Club or Association member. Such organisations on approval will be entitled to a free listing in the Museums Directory.

Museum & Collection Benefits

  • Listing on our Museums Directory which also pinpoints your museum on an interactive map.
  • An entry in our interactive listing. You will also receive one page of copy (up to 400 words) in association with your listing so you can describe your museum in more detail along with a copy of your logo. (These details will need to be forwarded to us and you can update this copy at any time by emailing the secretary).
  • We will publish any relevant press releases you issue on our News webpage which has a large daily following of enthusiasts.
  • HISTORIC, which is a full colour quarterly magazine. We regularly feature news stories about our Member Museums and Archives in this publication.
  • You will be welcome to reproduce material within your own publications which you send to your Museum supporters. After all communication is key, and it gives you interesting material to share with little effort. The only stipulation is the text must be unchanged and that credit is given to the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs. 
  • The right to use the FBHVC Member logo on stationery, publications (including website) and adverts. An electronic copy is available to download from the members’ area of the website by registering for free first. 
  • You can also forward the electronic link to HISTORIC to your members if they wish.
  • Free entrance to Club Expo which is historically held at the British Motor Museum in January. It is your opportunity to meet and share details of your museum offering with vehicle clubs and listen to various presentations throughout the day in plenary style. 
  • An opportunity to share details of what your Museum facilities and site can offer to clubs for their National events or club meets.
  • Exclusive insurance scheme for Museums which includes a Specialist Vehicle Scheme, Museum Insurance and Motor Trade Risk & Combined Cover. (
  • Access to expert help and advice – we aim to run some Museum seminars throughout the year to share ideas.
  • The right to use the FBHVC Museum logo in your membership publications and on site.
  • Access to the members area of the website – free registration is required. This is also available to all Friends of your Museum.

If you are interested in becoming a Museum Member or wish to make an enquiry, please email or call 01708 223111 for further details

Supporter Subscriptions

Individual Supporters

Anyone can become an Individual Supporter of the FBHVC.  We have two subscription packages available.

  • To receive the electronic version of HISTORIC magazine (quarterly) the subscription is priced at £20.00 per annum.
  • To receive the paper and electronic copies of HISTORIC magazine (quarterly) the subscription is priced at £30.00 per annum.

All subscriptions run from 1 June to 31 May and are inclusive of VAT. If joining part way through a year a pro rata payment will be required for each full calendar month remaining.

To help support the work we do you are always welcome to make a donation.

For any questions or to calculate the amount to join please contact the secretary via  for an application form. You can join online here

Individual Supporter Benefits

  • HISTORIC, which is a full colour quarterly magazine.
  • Access to expert help and advice
  • The right to attend general meetings. Historically the FBHVC hold a conference on various topics following our AGM, Previous subjects and guests have included: Preservation - The New Holy Grail, (FIVA), Paint or Patina? That is the Question, (Glasurit), Preservation in Action - a case study, (National Motor Museum), Towards a Values-Based Automotive Heritage Approach, (Katya Sullivan), and TR Register Youth Group (their formation and achievements).
  • Access to the members area of the website – free registration is required.

Individual Supporters download: Individual Supporter membership application form

Trade Supporters

Historic vehicle related activity is worth over £7.2 billion to the UK economy each year. If the right to use old vehicles was lost, much of this activity would diminish or cease. Any trader that makes a product or provides a service for owners of historic vehicles may join to support FBHVC’s efforts to ensure that the underlying right to use old vehicles on the road is not compromised by ill-considered regulation.

Over the past year we have achieved on average of 597 historic vehicle enthusiast visits to our website every day. This is very exciting news to us and potentially to you!

With this is mind we have introduced two different types of Trade Supporter packages.

Our standard subscription is priced at £33.00 (plus VAT) and the benefits are:

•    Electronic version of HISTORIC, which is a full colour quarterly magazine.
•    Basic listing on the FBHVC Trade Supporters Directory as per this link
•    The right to display the Trade Supporter logo
•    Entrance to Club Expo conference
(held annually)
•    The right to attend general meetings
•    Access to the members area of the website
 (free registration required)

You can join online here

Trade Supporters download: Trade Supporter membership application form

Our NEW Enhanced Trade Supporter package costs £100.00 (plus VAT) and the benefits include:

  • A ‘Featured Company’ entry in our interactive listing, fully searchable by business category. You will also receive one page of copy (400 words) in association with your listing so you can describe your business in more detail along with a copy of your logo. (These details will need to be forwarded to us and you can update this copy at any time by emailing the secretary).
  • In addition, if you issue a press release, we will publish that on our News page of the website:
  • You will receive printed copies and the link to the electronic copies of HISTORIC magazine . 
  • We have a Peter James Insurance/FBHVC exclusive Motor Trade Policy available to offer, which may save you some funds.
  • Access to historic vehicle specific material such as copyright law; what was called GDPR but since we left the EU is now the Data Protection Act 2018 etc
  • The right to display the Trade Supporter Logo
  • Entrance to Club Expo conference (held annually)
  • The right to attend general meetings
  • Access to the members area of the website  (free registration required).
  • You will also benefit from the communication opportunities of our website. Over the last 12 months we received over 370,000 visitors to the website, 217,000 of those were unique visitors. 

Both standard and enhanced option subscriptions run from 1 June to 31 May. If joining part way through a year a pro rata payment will be required for each full calendar month remaining. 

You can join online here

For any questions or to calculate the amount to join please contact the secretary via 

Enhanced Trade Supporter downloadEnhanced Trade Supporter application


+Enhanced Trade Application 2024:25.pdf
+Individual Application 2024:25.pdf
+Museum Application 2024:25.pdf
+Trade Application 2024:25.pdf
+Club Application 2024-2025.pdf

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