
The below testimonials are all genuine and unsolicited – they were sent spontaneously – and published in the form that they were received, without editing. The Federation is grateful for its members' support.

"We much appreciate all the hard work by the FBHVC, enabling us to use our historic vehicles. "
Ian Leggett, Chairman, Suffolk Vehicle Enthusiasts Club - July 2024

"Please pass on our thanks to the FBHVC Committee for their tireless work on behalf of the classic motorist and enthusiast."
John Washington, Treasurer, Vanden Plas Owners Club - June 2024

"Many thanks for the work done by the Federation on our behalf."
Barry Paine, Chairman Singer Motor Club - May 2024

"Long may you continue; without you we would be at the mercy of those who oppose us and bureaucracy which would ensnare us all."
Jeffrey Rimes, Individual Supporter, Cirencester - April 2024

“It is great to have the FBHVC supporting us as a club.” 
Matt Coles, Director, Austin Ten Drivers Club Ltd - August 2023

“We at the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society appreciate everything you folk do on our behalf.”
Chas Moody, Membership Secretary, Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society - May 2023

“The Highland MG Owners’ Club appreciates very much the vital work the FBHVC does and we have renewed our membership willingly.”
Chris Silver, Secretary, Highland MG Owners’ Club - May 2023

“I appreciate the work you do regarding impending legislation etc.”
Roger Gwynn, Member Secretary, Ariel Owners Motor Cycle Club Ltd - May 2023

“We have been members for a couple of decades and value what we get from the FBHVC. Especially the contacts with central government!”
Mike Sullivan, Treasurer, Rotary Retro Automobile Fellowship - May 2023

“Thanks for all the hard work the Federation does, it’s much appreciated.”
Pete Gibson, Secretary, Capri Club Scotland - May 2023

“Thank you to the FBHVC and its officers for their fine work in promoting our hobby.”
John Washington, Treasurer, Vanden Plas Owners Club - May 2023

“As a Club we value our status as a member club of FBHVC and are feeling strong again having come out of the other side of the pandemic.”
Alan Turle, Treasurer, Ford Anglia 105e Owners Club - May 2023

“We may be a very small club but our enthusiasm for our classic cars is great. As such we are proud to be a member of the FBHVC and fully support the important work you do in promoting and protecting our wonderful national vehicle heritage.”
Maurice Brocklesby, Chairman, The A272 Classic Car Club - May 2023

“We've always found the FHBVC to be an important part of the UK historic vehicle movement, and we're pleased to renew our membership”
Mel Lloyd, Web Admin, The All American Auto Club - May 2023

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