
FBHVC Digitisation Workshop with Genus

Published: 25/02/2022

Further to our appointment of Genus as our digitisation partner and recognising that many clubs have now taken our advice and reviewed their archive collections, we feel the time is right for us to hold a Digitisation workshop. 

This will introduce what could be the next stage in preserving your club archives and making them accessible and is designed to demystify the whole process. 

This is not a hard sell but an opportunity to understand the digitisation options, see how its done and ask questions of  experts to aid your understanding. 

Our aim is that you will then be able to talk with a good level of understanding to your club committees about potential options having seen the process from data capture through to online serving of digital content.

The Digitisation Workshop will be held at Genus in Nuneaton on Thursday 21st April    and places are limited so you need to sign up promptly.

The provisional agenda is as follows:

10:00 - 10.30     Welcome and introductions by Andy Bye
10:30                      How to plan your digitisation project
11:00                      How to capture your images
11:30                      Recollect database and retrieval system
12:00                      Studio tour – see how it’s all done
12:45                      Lunch and further discussions
14:30                      Finish

We also thought it would be a great opportunity for you to arrive in classic vehicles and Genus has a large car park.

To make your booking please use the link below

 FBHVC Members Digitisation Workshop Registration, Thu 21 Apr 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Don’t panic if this first event is oversubscribed as we will organise further events – simply send an email saying you want to know the next date and we will keep you updated.

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