
Calling all archivists! Genus is running another digitisation workshop

Published: 23/02/2024

An exclusive free-to-attend workshop is being held in West Midlands on 23rd April especially for vehicle clubs looking to preserve their archives.

"Genus is our digitisation partner and recognising that many clubs have now taken our advice and reviewed their archive collections, we feel the time could be right for you to attend the free digitisation workshop they have organised," says Andy Bye, Federation of Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) Director of Archives & Museums.

"This will introduce what could be the next stage in preserving your club archives and making them accessible and is designed to demystify the whole process. 

"This is not a hard sell but an opportunity for you to understand the digitisation options, see how it's done and ask questions of experts to aid your understanding," adds Andy.

The Digitisation Workshop will be held at Genus in Nuneaton on Tuesday 23rd April from 10:30 – 15:00 and places are limited so you need to sign up promptly.

"Our aim is that having seen an end-to-end digitisation process from capture through to online serving of the digitised content, you will then be able to talk with a good level of understanding to your club committee about potential options," says Andy.

Included in the day will be a tour of the Genus digitisation studios where you will be shown the different varieties of equipment they use and specialist methods.

As well as talks, discussion sessions have specifically been inserted into the agenda to give everyone attending the workshop a chance to air specific questions about their projects, both with the experts in the room and with each other.

These will not be panel sessions, instead Genus will be spreading their speakers and experts throughout the room so that more people have a chance to converse about what interests them. There will also be lunch, tea breaks and time available after we conclude at 3:00pm to ask further questions.

If you want to reserve a space please email and please also copy in so we know who is going.

Don’t panic if this event is oversubscribed as we will organise further events – simply send an email saying you want to know the next date and we will keep you updated

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