
MP Praises Federation ‘Drive it Day’ Initiative

Published: 25/04/2022

Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Historic Vehicle Group Sir Greg Knight has praised the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs for their ‘Drive it Day’ initiative which has raised money for the NSPCC’s Childline and encourages classic car owners to take to the roads in their pride and joy.

Sir Greg joined this year’s ‘Drive it Day’ in his 1963 Jensen C-V8 Mark I, for a tour around his East Yorkshire constituency.

Sir Greg said: "The objectives of Drive it Day are supported by the All-Party Parliamentary Group, which works closely with the Federation to promote and preserve the right of motorists to use historic vehicles on public roads.” 

“Drive it day helps to show our remarkable motoring heritage to the general public, gives our vehicles a healthy run and raises money for a good cause.”

Sir Greg has owned his blue C-V8 for 17 years and he is still thrilled with the car after all this time. "It really is a delight to drive" he says.

Pictured is Sir Greg Knight MP with his 1963 Jensen C-V8 Mark I, one of only 68 Mark I’s made. 

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