
Introducing Reusable Cable Ties - Dragonfly Rally

Published: 14/02/2022

Supplied as standard at no extra cost!

On a mission to be greener.
As our Car Club friends know, we have always supplied cable ties free of charge with 
orders for Rally Plates to allow them to be fixed to bumpers, grilles etc. Our Rally 
Plates are manufactured using polypropylene which is recyclable but traditional 
cable ties however are made from nylon which is not as easily recycled on a 
domestic level and in addition they must be cut off once used so are single use. As 
we get through many thousands per year, we didn’t like that…

When we started researching alternatives, we naively thought we were just a few 
clicks away on Google to the solution. Surely it would be a straightforward switch 
from a disposable cable tie which was not easily recyclable, to one that was? We 
soon discovered that sustainability in the world of plastics is a very complicated 

Recycled doesn’t necessarily mean recyclable.
Although alternatives made partly from recycled polyurethane and pvc are more 
environmentally friendly as they contain a percentage of recycled materials, once 
they are finished with you can’t simply throw them in the recycle bin. They can only 
be recycled on a commercial level at specialist centres along with, for example, large 
quantities of old cable sleeving.

So, what about bio-degradable ties?
Yes, they do exist! There is even a water soluble one but not ideal for outdoor use – 
we had visions of Rally Plates flying off left right and centre on rainy day Rallies and 
littering the countryside making things worse not better!

We found one containing around 70% renewable carbon, suitable for outdoor use, 
also re-usable and home compostable. The only drawback was the cost, which is 
many times more than traditional ties so although we can’t supply free of charge, we 
can offer as an option for purchase instead. (please enquire when placing Rally Plate 

We then discovered reusable Nylon Cable Ties…
Although still made from Nylon, they have an easy to use release tab which makes 
them completely reusable. If you use them again and again they are no longer 
single use and therefore we are keeping them out of landfill for a lot longer.

So until science catches up and demand makes a biodegradable tie affordable, we 
decided that these offer the best solution. From 2022 you will receive reusable cable 
ties with your Rally Plates – we all know how useful a cable tie is – just see how 
many uses you can find for them!

For more information please contact Dragonfly Design Limited  on 0800 783 8634

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